Generation Bluetooth with CEVA Collaborates
specialized hardware and software features focused on test and qualification of Bluetooth link layer, baseband, link manager protocol (LMP), and host controller interface (HCI) protocol, including a proprietary reprogrammable digital radio, an autonomous embedded operating system, detailed compliance reports, an integrated analyzer capture interface, automation facility, and a validation framework.
Ellisys Vangourd Breaking Bluetooth with CEVA Collaborates Vanguard provides synchronized capture and analysis of BR/EDR, Bluetooth Low Energy, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac (3x3), WPAN 802.15.4 (all 16 2.4 GHz channels), raw 2.4 GHz RF spectrum analysis, HCI (USB, UART, SPI), generic SPI/UART/I2C/SWD communications, WCI-2, logic signals, and Audio I2S.